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First Job


My first paid job:
I earned 2,72 Austrian Schilling / hour. It was a lot for me and first time I had money in my pocket.
I was 12 years old and worked as a shop clerk. Selling hardware and souvenirs.

Bad thing, I started smoking that time and haven't stopped since then. One pack cigartettes named NIL cost only 3,50 ATS which is now 0,23 Euro cent. How prices have changed :-(

I started this work in July and worked the whole summer vacation. September then I got my first payrise of 3 Groschen and final pay was then 2,75 Schilling / Hour. 3 days a week, right after school I went to the shop to earn some pocket money.

This job was offerd by our landlord Mr. Hawel. The shop's name was Eisenhandlung Kurt Hawel. He was a fair guy only his much younger wife wasn't that nice.
But both were s bit greedy and didn't give anything away for free. For some minor losses or mistakes they blamed their employee badly. I remember one scene like yesterday. One deckchair was accidently packed into a wrong box and sold at a cheaper price. The poor girl was blamed over and over again and she couldn't stop her tears. Actually it wasn't her fault that the packing was wrong. That time she was just working a few weeks......The good news, today she own the shop.

Second job

With 14 I changed and began to work as waiter. As before, mainly during summer holidays and weekends.
Pay was nice and don't forget the tips. Bad thing (that time I thought it is good) I got cigaretts for free.

This job I liked a lot. It was fun and you met a lot of people. The owner was a very kind person and very kind to all employees.
That time we had a lot of Germans tourists in our town. In the restaurant we had 2 prices for locals and tourists. Tourists had to pay 10% more. Sounds unfair but if you have served Germans, you understand. There was nothing they didn't know better or couldn't have done better. They should not wonder why we call them "Piefke".
Later someone blackmailed me at the police and I couldn't work anymore after 10 pm. Wasn't nice but on the other hand I could spend more time at the disco.

Big advantage of this job, you got to know a lot of girls. They needed a guide and as kind as I was, I always helped.
The place was called "Gasthof zur Post" and is closed now.

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